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Would you rather? listen to Get in the Ring with headphones made of Hostess Sno-balls, it’s not the taste but the consistency, or have your eyes gouged out by a million tiny crows. If you answer yes to either of those, this is the week to enjoy Alex “trombone leg” Drelles, Chris” none of the …

Persona 5 Wrestlemania Recap

What’s bigger than a breadbasket but smaller than a steel cage match? Get in the Ring’s conversation of WrestleMania 33. This event was so HUUUUGE that Get in the Ring needed another show to cover all the finer points. They also had a man on the inside. Jacob Grimes was “ringside” and brings his expert …

What do a ladder, a giant and a Roman have in common? It’s WRESTLEMANIA 33 and the Get in the Ring crew has something to say! This episode they give a diving elbow drop to the struggling Xbox one and Phil Spencer’s path forward with first party games. They move on to a Chickenwing over-the-shoulder …